Artworks by Children living under military occupation -
Essay by Mark Vallen
Palestinian Children's drawing
Palestinian Children's drawing
Palestinian Children's drawing
Palestinian Children's drawing
Child's drawing of Al Quds (Dome of the Rock) 1988
The drawings on this page were created by unidentified Palestinian children living in the Israeli occupied West Bank. Sadly, their reality remains the same today. The child artists who created these drawings in the late 80's are young adults now.... and God knows what has happened to them in the latest round of fighting. What do children know of political struggle... yet look at these drawings. The child artists drew what they saw around them... brutality, violence, and death... the fruits of military occupation. The drawing directly above shows Palestinians in Al Quds (Jerusalem) being surrounded by armed Israeli soldiers.
Palestinian Children's drawing
Palestinian Children's drawing
Palestinian Children's drawing
Palestinian Children's drawing
Child's drawing of a street battle - 1988
In the drawing above, Palestinian demonstrators face off against Israeli soldiers... the streets littered with burning tires and rocks. Palestinian and Israeli children... like children everywhere, deserve to grow up in a loving and peaceful atmosphere free from violence and fear.
As I write this, many dozens of Palestinian children have being shot, wounded, and killed by Israeli Soldiers in the latest intifada (uprising)... and for what crime? Throwing rocks? How is it that the world has come to accept the shooting of children? Innocent Israeli children have also fallen victim to the crime of terrorism aimed at civilians, and I mourn for them also... for what child deserves to be punished for the deeds of their parents? We must all work to find a way to bring peace with justice to the land of Palestine/Israel... because the alternative is too terrible to ponder.
www.art-for-a-change.com is owned and operated by Mark Vallen ©. All text by Mark Vallen.