P R O L E F E E D - (Pearl Harbor)
Join the Fight, BAN the Guns!
Join the Fight, BAN the Guns!
Join the Fight, BAN the Guns!
Join the Fight, BAN the Guns!
In the summer of 2001, all over Los Angeles (and across the U.S.), billboards and posters advertised the war movie... Pearl Harbor. The noxious ad campaign almost had people believing that America was going to war with Japan again. The bold headlines of the militaristic posters shouted out; Man the Guns, Join the Fight.

The movie posters were designed to look exactly like the U.S. WW2 propaganda posters of the time... posters meant to drum up support for the war against Japan. Some of those works were explicitly racist in their appeal, but all of them helped to create an anti-Japanese atmosphere that lead to the internment of Japanese Americans in concentration camps.

The next phase of the Pearl Harbor ad campaign could have been to redistribute copies of the official U.S. government poster that appeared in west coast cities announcing the rounding up of Japanese Americans. You can see and read that actual proclamation here. I suggest that those responsible for the Pearl Harbor ad campaign read that poster carefully.
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